During a recent business course, we got asked a very deep question: what broke your heart? Or more specifically what broke your heart first?

This question was so easy to answer. I was eight and about to move away from my very first best friend. She’d moved into the house closest to us when I was three (actually my very first memory is meeting her and swinging on her tire swing). After 5 years of friendship, it was unbearable to say goodbye. I distinctly remember matching up our heart friendship necklaces for the last time. 💙

Years later I still hold that necklace and friendship sacred. As a quiet, people pleaser I got stepped on in friendships many times. It wasn’t until I got older that I found some trusted friend circles . . . and several of those circles were made here among groups of like-minded people growing together.

As I learned in that course my mission has always been a part of me. And this is where it started. Building connection, finding people who will go deep with you, and leaning on others doing the same hard work is all I want for you. That feeling of belonging will keep you on your path.